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dorcas & 'seun salami

'Seun and his wife, Dorcas, are the pastors of Believers House, a new multi-ethnic, multi-generational community of believers in Halifax Nova Scotia, called to lead people to Jesus, make them more like Him, and see them lead others to Him. 


They began their relationship in 2005, and have been together ever since. They got married in 2012, and are blessed with two sons, Oluwafimidara Shem and Oluwadayomola Daniel. They have a heart for young people and are strong advocates of love that lasts and the sacredness of the marriage institution.


In 2018, they co-authored 'Love Code' a covenant relationship guide that has been distributed free to hundreds of young adults across Canada. They also host a conference with the same name where they share marriage principles especially for this generation.  


Dorcas and 'Seun served as youth pastors for about four years on the West Coast before their move to Halifax, while Dorcas has almost a decade's experience in church administration.


They teach the uncompromised Word of God, helping believers live by faith, grow in grace and walk in love, as they come to fully understand their heritage in Christ. They host the bi-monthly Insights for Believers Faith Seminars which is currently holding online only. They also hosted the first edition of Advance Summit Halifax at Dalhousie University in November 2019. 


They are the founders of Believers Heritage Ministries, with a mandate to help believers grow and mature in faith and the finished works of Jesus, the Christ.


insights for believers



264 Bedford Highway (Suite 101), Halifax Nova Scotia B3M 2K7 Canada

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